This wardrobe plot indicates our interpretation of the costume needs of the production. It is intended to provide you with required costume changes and a feeling of the costume styles. Costumes outlined are in standard adult sizes-extremely large or small sizes may not be available. Also, specific colors and fabrics are not described due to new designs and availability in our stock (except where noted). Styles and accessories may vary.
Cast & Costume:
Scene 1: Broadway
2 Shady Broadway Characters: Sharp suits, loud ties, hats
Man with Newspaper: Business suit, hat
2 Bobbysoxers: School girl outfits
Sightseeing Guide: Dark suit with cap
Sightseers: Tourist clothes
Actor: Well tailored suit, homburg hat
Actress: Overdone dress, hat
2 Chorus Girls: Sweaters, slacks
2 Street Walkers: Garish, cheap dress
Woman Street Vendor: Shabby, out-dated clothes
Policeman: Double-breasted police uniform, cap, billy club
Sightseeing Texan: Suit, ten gallon hat
Sightseeing Texan's Wife: Tourist type clothes
Sidewalk Photographer: Sharp suit
2nd Actor: On back of tux: "Pessimo"
2nd Actress: On back of gown: "Cigars"
Man Paper Doll Vendor: Sharp Suit
Paper Doll Vendor's Asst: Jazzy Dress
Prizefighter: Khaki pants, turtleneck sweater
Prizefighter's Manager: Sharp suit
Blind Man: Shabby old suit, hat and sign
Benny Southstreet: Loud striped suit
Nicely-Nicely Johnson: Loud checkered suit
Rust Charlie: Sharp suit
Sarah Brown: Save-A-Soul Mission uniform
Arvide Abernathy, 2 Other Women: Same as Sarah
Harry the Horse: Sharp suit
Lt. Brannigan: Conservative dark suit, hat
Nathan Detroit: Sharp suit, blue tie
5 Crap Shooters: Loud suits
Angie the Ox: Loud suit
Adelaide: Gaudy dress
3 "Hot Box" Chorus Girls: Sweaters, slacks
Sky Masterson: Sharp suit, black shirt, tie, hat
Mission Belles: Save-A-Soul uniform
Scene 2: Save-A-Soul Mission
All characters: No change
Scene 3: Phone Booth
All characters: No change
Scene 4: The "Hot Box" Nightclub
MC: Tuxedo
Adelaide: Red gingham Farmerette costume
Dancing Girls: Blue Farmerette costumes
Customers: Assorted period clothes
Nathan: No change
Waiter: Tuxedo
Adelaide: Change to dressing gown
Mimi: Short robe
Scene 5: Street Off Broadway
Guy: Business suit
Doll: Snappy dress
All Others: No change
Scene 6: Save-A-Soul Mission
Sky: Change to another sharp suit, tie, hat
General Cartwright: Save-A-Soul leader uniform
All Others: No change
Scene 7: Off Broadway
Big Julie: Ill-fitting loud suit
Nathan: Another change
Adelaide: Snappy suit
All Others: No change
Scene 8: Havana
Man: Dinner jacket
Woman: Cocktail dress
Sky: No change
Sarah: Drop hat and jacket, open blouse at neck
Waiter: Tux
Cuban Dancing Girls: Very sexy rumba costume
Cuban Dancing Boys: Pants, rumba shirt
Waiter: Shoddy
Scene 9: Havana Exterior
All Characters: No change
Scene 10: Mission Exterior
Adelaide: Dress
4 Members of the Chorus: Dresses, sweaters, slacks, etc
Drunk: Suit
2 Policemen: Double-breasted police uniform, cap, billy club
Guy: Sharp suit
All Others: No change
Scene 1: "Hot Box"
Patrons: Cocktail clothes
Adelaide and Girls: Jewel tone lame breakaway gowns, mink stoles, pearls. Sequin showgirl bodysuit & skirt, hats, gloves
MC: No change
Sky: No change but mussed
Waiter: No change
Adelaide: No change
Scene 2: Street Exterior
Sarah: Back to complete uniform
All Others: No change
Scene 3: Sewer
All Characters: No change
Scene 4: Street Off Broadway
Adelaide: Suit
All Others: No change
Scene 5: Interior of Mission
All Characters: No change
Scene 6: Street Off Broadway
Adelaide: Long coat, change to wedding dress, veil
Man: Suit
Sarah: No change, add cape
Nathan: Elegant cutaway outfit
Sky: Change to Save - A - Soul Mission Uniform
Chorus Girls: Bridesmaids
Calvin, Arvide, Martha, Agatha, Brannigan: No change
All Others in Ensemble: Back to 1-1